Digital Dilemma: Navigating the Tumultuous World of AI, Social Media, and the Metaverse in 2023

The digital world is a tumultuous one, to say the least, as we enter 2023. It’s exciting that we are again on the cusp of exponential change, but many seem unsure where to place their bets. 

AI reaches consumer markets.

The advances in artificial intelligence bring it to the forefront of consumer use in products like ChatGPT. Even though these products are in their infancy, they showcase the potential of AI adding value to the consumer market, which many did not think would be possible – disrupted much

Social Media trust is under the microscope.

Facebook continues to face a barrage of fines and legal cases around its data and ad targeting practices – the latest being for $414M. With Twitter’s loss of brand trust and anti-trust laws, TikTok is constantly coming up against; all social media platforms are coming under massive governance scrutiny that will limit consumer targeting and content delivery in the future. These watchdogs are good for our society, but they will significantly impact how marketers work in the future. The biggest challenge for brands will be to build back their first-party data sets and become less reliant on their social platforms’ data to reach audiences.

The Metaverse is Lacklustre but makes way for mixed reality.

While Zukerberg hypes the world for the Metaverse, people are beginning to wise up to the experience. People are reporting on failed parties, VR hangovers, and youth marketing campaigns completely missing the meta-mark. The Metaverse promises a lot, and it’s not meeting expectations. However, let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water. 2023 could well be the year we see 5G integration with eyeglasses – bringing smart glasses to life. We also see new colour passthrough technology coming to VR headsets to bring mixed reality experiences to gaming and brand experiences. So while people may not be signing up for completely digital experiences, there is a high likelihood that we will see mixed reality experiences start gaining traction

That’s it for the Digital Weekend Wrap up. I hope you enjoy the new format; till next time – remember to catch me at the next conference as your conference speaker.

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