This book provides a rock-solid framework for building a business that will thrive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the new environment it will usher in.
#1 New Release on Amazon
“Saunders effortlessly bridges the gap between the burgeoning complexity of the digital age and the fundamental business imperatives of serving your customers well, building great products, caring for the environment, making money for shareholders and keeping your employees happy and motivated.”
– Vincent Maher, Group Digital Enablement Head at MultiChoice Group
We’re standing at a precipice; technology is ready to break new grounds and drastically improve our lives. There are grand expectations for what’s to come in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, but understanding how to make technology human-centric will be the difference.
If technology adds no value to us as people, it is doomed to fail. But, should it succeed, it has the potential to define our future, our profit lines and the everyday lives of our customers who use it. This book provides a rock-solid framework for building a business that will thrive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the new environment it will usher in.
Brett St Clair, Teraflow CEO, and ex Googler, had this to say about Humancentric – “When it comes to technology books, so many authors have specialised in niche areas of specialisation. Very few provide an overarching guide to transform your business on a digital plane. Mike is uniquely positioned and experienced to share his secret sauce – a complete framework for human-centred digital transformation. Its brings a much needed human element into the Fourth Industrial Revolution conversation because as he says “technology fails unless it means something to someone.”
The book tackles an enormously challenging topic, say Heavy Chef CEO, Fred Roed. It unpacks the intersection of technology and humanity. “With this book, Mike combines great storytelling with a handy methodology to offer the reader a guide to doing business in these fascinating times,” says Fred.
In international reviews, Urs Bucher from TEDx in Zurich says, Humancentric is seen distilling the essence of the fourth industrial revolution we live in. Mike details out the five key drivers of transformation, makes us understand that their combination is more powerful than simply adding up them one by one. He spices up the theoretical aspects with easy to understand real-life examples. Last but not least he reminds us that digital transformation is about transformation in the first place and digital is “just” the tool that allows us to do so.
Finally, Mushambi Mutuma had the to say about the book – “It’s not often in the world of technology and brand building that we hear new thoughts and ideas, especially in today’s world of buzz words and on-trend business topics. It seems we’ve heard it all — the same examples, opinions and predictions.”
In discussing his book, Mike Saunders, CEO of Digitlab, says, “It’s taken me ten years to discover and unpack something new for the digital economy. I never wanted to write something for the sake of writing a book. I wanted to add something new and useful to the digital conversation. This book, I believe, presents a new way to look at the digital economy that will create better businesses in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”
Mike is a straight talker, one who does not beat around the proverbial bush. Time is valuable, and it is rare to see the kind of advice, that large consultancies charge millions of dollars for, available in light-hearted fun read that will position you and your business to win in digital.