
How social media affects Google search results

Google is still the primary place that people go when looking for something online. Social media has become the number one activity on the web. The reason social media had become so popular is because it is a natural extension of who we are. We are social people, our social circles define us, encourage us and potentially groom us into who we are to become in the future. It is only natural then that people would spend time sociallising online if they had the option.

What does this have to do with search? As I always say in my social media presentations, search is all about delivering relevant results to your search query. Relevancy on the internet used to be related to the amount of links linking back to a website (this was Googles primary way of discovering relevant, topical websites).

Social Search

Now Google has launched Social Search which takes into consideration your social connections on Facebook, Twitter and everywhere else. This means that articles written by peers may be higher in your search results than another persons search results. Google describe the impact of this best with a video example of someone looking to travel to Zurich:

To put it simply, the bigger your network on Facebook and Twitter the more impact you could have on people’s search results.

If you would like a more personalised search experience visit www.google.com/profiles and update for profile.

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