
Get your custom facebook vanity URL now!!

Vanity URL’s in Facebook are a neccessity to effective social media marketing

The ability to create your own custom URL’s for facebook have been around since about June in 2009 but for some reason the South African public have been slow to catch on. Custom URL’s are possibly the most important aspect of your social media campaign and business/product branding. The URL is the address that people type in to get to your website or facebook page.

The usual URL for a facebook profile or page is very long and illogical to the everyday web user. As an example lets use my facebook profile URL which normally would look something like this:


The URL now looks like this


The second URL looks neater and cleaner and is a better address to use when marketing yourself or your product.

Act quickly

My suggestion to you is to act fast because once someone has chosen a custom vanity URL then it is theirs for life. If they choose your preferred name then you have just lost out. To claim your vanity URL go to facebook.com/username. This page will let you name your personal profile and your business page profiles.

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